Participating projects in

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Schmidmühlener Strasse 30 Bavaria, 93133 Burglengenfeld

Wild bee pasture as innovative element of restoration in quarries

A Chess Board for Wild Bees. The aim of our project is to design a blueprint for the establishment of ‘wild bee pastures’ in disused limestone quarries.

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2012

Wazo Leaf Trails and Camping Site (WLTCS)

WLTCS encourages progressive rehabilitation and incorporation of the closure plan of the Wazo Hill quarry with a focus to the proposed camp site and trails.

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Quarry Life Award 2012
United Kingdom
Quarry Life Award 2012
Wykeham, YO13 9QU Scarborough, North Yorkshire

Water vole and White-clawed crayfish conservation at Wykeham Quarry; habitat survey & recommendations.

The aim of this project is to promote conservation of two keystone species; the White-clawed crayfish and the European Water vole. The native White-clawed crayfish is on the Red

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2012
North Lakes Road, Warrayure

Warrayure Conservation Offset : Saving a grassland remnant

This project will develop and extend the vegetation and habitat assessments of the Ecological Features and Management Plan for the proposed Natural Temperate Grassland of the Victorian Volcanic Pla

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2014
Regensburg, Bavaria

Walhalla Kalk Steinbruch-Important substitute habitat for endangered cavity nesting birds / Walhalla Kalk Steinbruch-Ein Ersatzlebensraum für gefährdete Höhlenbrüter

The heterogenic and dynamic habitats in quarries offer important substitute habitats, especially for threatened species. The quarry “Walhalla Kalk” in Regensburg

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Quarry Life Award 2014
Quarry Life Award 2014
Nowogród Bobrzański

Valorization of the natural environment, the educational and pro-ecological activities in the area of the Nowogród Bobrzański Natural Resources Mine

Our team of researchers and students from the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Zielona Góra have found ourselves in the group of five finalists of the Polish edition.

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Quarry Life Award 2014
Quarry Life Award 2012

Transportable Biodiversity Centers Creation in Zheltokamenka Quarry

The project focuses on the biodiversity development promotion through endangered plant communities creation, which could be transferred along with the quarry mining front.

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2014

Tovačovský štěrk pro krajinu - krajina pro lidi / Gravel to landscape - landscape for people

Cílem našeho projektu je navrhnout pro vybrané území taková opatření, jež podpoří místní biodiversitu a zá

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Quarry Life Award 2014
Quarry Life Award 2012
Akosombo Port / Sedom road, Akosombo, Eastern Region

Topsoil Characterization for Sustainable Rehabilitation Work

“Topsoil Characterization for Sustainable Rehabilitation Work” seeks to identify soil properties in the topsoil stockpile at Akosombo and how best it can support the different plants,

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Quarry Life Award 2012