Schmidmühlener Strasse 30 Bavaria, 93133 Burglengenfeld
Quarry Life Award 2012

Wild bee pasture as innovative element of restoration in quarries

Rehabilitation & habitat research

A Chess Board for Wild Bees.

The aim of our project is to design a blueprint for the establishment of ‘wild bee pastures’ in disused limestone quarries. We suggest arranging flower beds with the target plant species in a chess board pattern to make them a prominent feeding source for wild bees and to achieve an attractive landscape pattern for potential visitors. Moreover, as plant species do have different colors and flower at different times of the year, the appearance of the site will change during the flowering period. Visitors to the quarry will be able to literally see and feel the diversity of this innovative wild bee pasture. The HeidelbergCement quarry of Burglengenfeld near Regensburg has been taken as an example for the design of this new restoration element.

Wild bee pasture as innovative element of restoration in quarries, Germany from Quarry Life Award by HeidelbergCement