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Get inspired by succesfull projects improving biodiversity in mining quarries.

Quarry Life Award 2021
Индустриална зона, 9160 Девня

Solutions based on nature

Hello, I am a teacher of information technology, computer modeling and mathematics. It is becoming increasingly difficult to persuade students to take part in a project or competition.

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Quarry Life Award 2021
Quarry Life Award 2021
Индустриална зона, 9160 Девня

"Biodiversity and Education" and "Beyond Career".

Hello!Attached to this letter is the project proposal of my daughter, Ksenia Alexandrovna Kashkina, a 4th grade student at Zahari Stoyanov Primary School in Varna.

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Quarry Life Award 2021
Quarry Life Award 2021
Индустриална зона, 9160 Девня

Terra Life - Clean soil. Healthy nature.

Hello, I am sending our presentation and proposal for a pilot project for the Drenaka - West quarry.

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Quarry Life Award 2021
Quarry Life Award 2021
Индустриална зона, 9160 Девня

"Habitat and species"

Hello Mrs. Delcheva, We declare our desire to participate together with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kiril Vassilev (IBEI-BAS) in the fifth edition of the international competition "Quarry Life Award",

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Quarry Life Award 2021
Quarry Life Award 2021
Индустриална зона, 9160 Девня

Biodiversity and Education

Good day! We are a group of young people from the city of Stara Zagora and we declare our desire to participate in your Quarry Life Award competition.

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Quarry Life Award 2021
Quarry Life Award 2021
Индустриална зона, 9160 Девня

Virtual educational walk in the Drenaka West quarry

The aim of our project "Virtual educational walk in the quarry" Drenaka West "" is to promote the biodiversity of the quarry for quartz sand "Draenaka West,

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Quarry Life Award 2021
Quarry Life Award 2021

Optimizing excavated areas in floodplains to increase biodiversity using 3d modeling software

The Lezhbadini Quarry includes alluvial floodplain areas and upland conditions. The current condition of the quarry includes excavated areas and spoils stockpiles.

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Quarry Life Award 2021
Quarry Life Award 2021

Establishment of In-situ conservation plot of biodiversity in the vicinity of Saskhori quarry

HeidelbergCement carries out its multifaceted activities in many countries in many directions, it not only obtains natural raw materials for various quarries,

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Quarry Life Award 2021
Quarry Life Award 2021

Investigation of soil biodiversity in Saskhori Quarry with participation of local school pupils

Biodiversity of the soil dwelling invertebrates will be studied as in natural, so in degraded habitats of Saskhori Quarry and adjacent territories for the first time; Annotated lists of springtails,

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Quarry Life Award 2021