North Lakes Road, Warrayure
Quarry Life Award 2012

Warrayure Conservation Offset : Saving a grassland remnant

Scientific research

This project will develop and extend the vegetation and habitat assessments of the Ecological Features and Management Plan for the proposed Natural Temperate Grassland of the Victorian Volcanic Plain offset site located at North Lake Road, Warrayure, Victoria.

The offset site near Warrayure is approximately 57 hectares and includes a large area of Plains Grassland, of varying condition and health, a small area of Plains Grassy Wetland, and an area of non native vegetation that appears to have historically been used for pasture. The Plains Grasslands and the Plains Grassy Wetlands both are significant bioregions to Victoria and harbour rare and endangered species, high species numbers or specialised species. The preliminary report found Glycine latrobeana present in the site. Glycine latrobeana is listed as vulnerable under the Commonwealth EPBC Act, vulnerable under the Victorian Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in Victoria (DSE 2005) and threatened under the FFG Act.

This project will focus on developing our understanding of the biodiversity of the three distinct vegetation systems found in the Warrayure offset. It aims to add to the preliminary assessment of the significant threats to the three established habitats, build on the recovery of the degraded habitat and investigate weed invasion across the site, and develop a management strategy to promote biodiversity and the protection of the natural landscape and ecology.

And finally this project would like to increase peoples awareness and understadning of endemic plant life and how wonderful the variety is in our World.