Participating projects in

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Bogor, Hambalang

Exploring Calotropis gigantea’s potential as a cost-effective ameliorant in clay pit rehabilitation

Natural succession is known to be the most cost-effective way of habitat restoration in the tropics. However, disturbed ecosystems with adverse soil conditions, such as clay quarries,

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2016
Bogor, Hambalang

Study of Soil Arthropods and Earthworm Diversity as Bioindicator for Reclamation Success

The process of mining causes the loss of biotic and abiotic components in a potential site containing mining materials. Based on the land use map of Hamablang quarry, there are 29,

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2016

Great impact with little effort – optimization of reptile habitats by using existing materials

The prime objective of quarry management is to ensure a smooth and efficient production process throughout the site. Deadwood,

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2016
L594 (old B3 from Nußloch to Wiesloch), 69226 Nußloch

Quarry biodiversity in focus – exploring the barcode of life

Our innovative project harnesses the power of DNA barcoding as a science education and analysis tool to assess the biodiversity in a restored quarry of HeidelbergCement.

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2016

Colonization of concrete pools – swimming pools for Yellow-bellied Toads

There has already been a long-standing cooperation of several years between NABU and the Heidelberg Cement Leimen Works.

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2016

Return of the pond turtle to the Czech Republic: a potential of the Hulín sand pit for biodiversity

Mining sites often serve as refuges for endangered organisms. Sand mining activity creates mosaics of habitats from bare,

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2016


For our study, we selected a quarry in Mokrá. It is a unique natural laboratory where is still a lot to discover.

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2016

Influence of Mokra quarry on local climate and diversity of species

The main purpose of our survey is to make an assessment of quarry influence on the local climate conditions and to observe an impact on possible changes in species diversity at surrounding forest habi

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2016

Gravel pit Hulín: towards the harmony among diverse interests.

This project aims to suggest a set of treatments leading to the biodiversity support in the Gravel Pit Hulín,

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Quarry Life Award 2016