Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2016


Biodiversity management
Species research
Invasive species

For our study, we selected a quarry in Mokrá. It is a unique natural laboratory where is still a lot to discover. Our project aims on the area between the western and central quarry which is interesting in the terms of landscape changes before, during and after the mining. The northern part will be quarried, but the plan counts with restoration. Southern area will be preserved. We want to think how the northern area could be restored respecting the context of the landscape, including enforcing biodiversity of areas, with emphasis of habitats mosaic. It won't be a mere proposal – we focus on the phase before mining. We ask: “Should be the mining preceded by any preparation? If so, what kind of? What do we want to support and what should be avoided?” We are interested in stabilizing the area before overburden and tracing of what happens to the transferred soil. This we want to observe on present overburdens. It is necessary to count with the plant invasions and expansions. These species may negatively affect not only the natural succession of communities within the landscape, but could be a problem during the restoration and may create a species pool for spreading out of the quarry borders. The key question is: "What to do with them?" We'll examine the current state of both parts, do the synthesis and design future interventions. Through a series of innovative experiments in both parts of the site we'll try to restore the landscape with an emphasis on its biodiversity.