Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2016

Influence of Mokra quarry on local climate and diversity of species

Scientific research

The main purpose of our survey is to make an assessment of quarry influence on the local climate conditions and to observe an impact on possible changes in species diversity at surrounding forest habitats. Land snails were chosen as ideal sample of animals, because of their environmental sensitivity. Changes of species diversity and its composition along transect enable us to quantify and evaluate the impact of quarry according to the distance from the quarry. We will describe if and how different is the impact of active and recultivated parts of quarry on the environment.

The second topic of our project is an influence of the quarry on local precipitations, soil moisture and temperature. The research is based on premise on thermal columns creation in view of mining area relief and weather conditions. These thermal columns should have an effect on cloudiness in the quarry neighborhood.

The project will help for better and integrated understanding of quarry influence on the neighboring environments. As the Mokra quarry is located close to the Protected Landscape Area Moravsky kras, the thesis will be also interesting in environment protection.