Participating projects in

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Dar es Salaam

Educational, Innovative and Attractive Quarry Biodiversity Museum

The project aims at educating and raising public awareness on the biodiversity at quarries into being not only educative but also exciting and memorable to students and the community.

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2016
Clarence, New South Wales

Quarries as a refuge: Kables sand quarry, a haven for the endangered Blue Mountains water skink

Almost all quarries, working or spent, have water features associated with them. Although such features may be exploited for washing and sorted extracted resources,

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2016
Clarence, New South Wales

Using an alternative method to assess the species diversity of rehabilitated sites

Active rehabilitation post-disturbance aims to establish vegetation with the species diversity commensurate to the pre-disturbance environment.

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2016
Clarence, New South Wales

Predator playground; the role of quarries in the lives of wild dogs

Since the arrival of the dingo in Australia 4000 years ago, wild dogs have been a part of the Australian landscape.

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2016
Clarence, New South Wales

Does the Kables Sands Plant promote local amphibian biodiversity?

This multifaceted project ultimately aims to improve the suitability of the Kables Sands Plant site to native frog populations in an attempt to increase amphibian biodiversity in the region.

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Quarry Life Award 2016
Quarry Life Award 2014
Kengiseppskoe shosse, Slantsy, Leningrad

Youth view at quarry nature

> Watch Tatiana Trofimova's video (International Award Ceremony 2014, prague Czech Republic) The project’

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Quarry Life Award 2014
Quarry Life Award 2012

Winged animals of Olshanitsky quarry / Крылатые животные Ольшаницкого карьера

We want to estimate biodiversity on the territory of the quarry and adjacent territories, on basis of the studying of species diversity of indicator groups of animals:

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2012
Rue des Grands Malades, 5000 Namur

Wine is life

We propose to use the Beez quarry as a model for biodiversity integration into human activities.

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2014

Wildlife return at the quarry "Břidla“ – possibilities of natural habitat restoration / Příklady možností obnovy přírodního prostředí lomu Mokrá

Zapojení života na Břidle – Příklady možností obnovy přírodního prostředí lomu Mokrá Náš projekt je situovaný

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Quarry Life Award 2014