Clarence, New South Wales
Quarry Life Award 2016

Does the Kables Sands Plant promote local amphibian biodiversity?

Biodiversity management
Education and raising awareness
Scientific research

This multifaceted project ultimately aims to improve the suitability of the Kables Sands Plant site to native frog populations in an attempt to increase amphibian biodiversity in the region. In addition, I aim to enhance public awareness of the role amphibians play in the local environment, and consequently promote community engagement in working with HeidelbergCement (HC) to improve local biodiversity. To achieve this, I propose to: (1.) consult current literature and previous surveys in the region to develop an educational amphibian handbook for distribution, illustrating the biodiversity of amphibians within the active site and surrounding landscapes; (2.) conduct surveys and experiments investigating the suitability of various areas (likely of differing quality) around the Kables Sands Plant site, and implement restoration measures to maximise amphibian populations and biodiversity, and; (3.) work with, and educate, school (or community) groups about the importance of frogs and toads to proper ecosystem functioning, and the measures HeidelbergCement have implemented to promote wildlife and biodiversity. Promoting population persistence of native amphibian species is fundamental to maintaining and increasing biodiversity at any site. Therefore, this proposed project will not only significantly add to the relationship between the broader community and HeidelbergCement, but will promote biodiversity within the affected region.