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Quarry Life Award 2012

Study of the biodiversity of Heidelbergcements quarries in Georgia, preparation of a colored illustrated book and its electronical version

We are studying biodiversity of Heidelbergcements cemnet quarries in Georgia (Kavtiskhevi limestone quarry, Dedoflistskharo limestone quarry, Gardabani clay quarry).

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2012
Carretera Segovia, 47080 La Cistérniga

Sources of the Duero Wetland Phase V

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2012
Górażdże village

Sorbus torminalis genne resource protection in the province of Opole by inter situ method

The main goal of the project is the selection of optimal habitat for Sorbus torminalis tree (one of the rarest species of native forest trees) with particular consideration of the reclaimed quarry

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2014

Soil arthropod diversity and quarry rehabilitation.

The main goal of the project is to investigate soil recovery processes on the reclaimed territories of Kavtiskhevi and Gardabani quarries by means of soil inhabiting invertebrates. Soil zoocenoses,

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Quarry Life Award 2014
Quarry Life Award 2012
Dâmbovita county

Scientific study trip for the pupils of "Virgil Madgearu" Economic College of Bucharest

We believe in the principle of cascading effects. All actions that we undertake will be based on this principle. Description of our project:

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2012
Mokrá-Horákov, South Moravia

School at the quarry / Škola v lomu

Our project „ School at the quarry“ tries to involve the general public. It does not have any significant scientific objective,

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Quarry Life Award 2012
The view of the coast with ecological succession
Czech Republic
Quarry Life Award 2012
Suchdol nad Lužnicí

Sand pit for Biodiversity at Cep II quarry

The main question in this project is: What is the best restoration method, i.e. spontaneous succession, directed succession or technical reclamation,

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2012
North Lakes Road, Warrayure

Roost-boxes as a tool in the conservation of tree roosting microbats (Microchiroptera) in a highly-modified agricultural landscape

The majority of Australian microbats rely on tree-hollows to roost during the day, however,

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2014
Cudgen, Northern, New South Wales

Riparian vegetation condition assessment and management proposal

Tweed Sands Lake occupies a significant part of the Tweed Sands Plant property and is a major asset to the site.

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Quarry Life Award 2014