North Lakes Road, Warrayure
Quarry Life Award 2012

Roost-boxes as a tool in the conservation of tree roosting microbats (Microchiroptera) in a highly-modified agricultural landscape

Biodiversity management

The majority of Australian microbats rely on tree-hollows to roost during the day, however, due to extensive deforestation suitable day-roost sites are scarce in some areas and have been identified as a key limiting resource for bat conservation. Revegetated areas can provide bat foraging habitat, although suitable tree-hollows can take up to 100 years to develop. My aim is to fill this gap with artificial bat roosting sites and I am interested in which types of bat boxes are preferred by different bats. In this Quarry Life Award project I am assessing the use of the site by recording bat species and movements using electronic bat detectors. The detectors record the high pitched and distinctive calls of the bats and can be used to differentiate bat species. I will then install bat boxes and return to survey both the bat boxes and do further electronic bat detector surveys.