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Quarry Life Award 2018

Quarry ecosystems sustainability-key species identification and local conservation status increase.

Although a quarry is represented by industrial activities, being it self an ecosystem with specific environmental factors values, it is not separated by the surrounding ecosystems.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Integrated management of biodiversity in Slatioara gravel pit

The project „Integrated management of biodiversity in Slatioara gravel pit” is based on 3 incorporated approaches: i) inventory,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Quarries and people put together. A project in Lespezi Quarry, Romania

This project aims to focus on the biodiversity in the Lespezi Quarry in an educational manner, by means of birdwatching, doing sport and promenades,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Raptors life behind the scene. Iglicioara Quarry as habitat for the diurnal raptors

Ecological systems have a high dynamic character, where the biocenosis components adapt to the new changes. Opening quarries is also about creating new habitats,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Knowledge enhancing and dissemination concerning the biodiversity in Slatioara Pit

Our project aims on both scientific substantiation regarding the flora,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Environmental conditions of succession in aggregate mines as a basis for their reclamation

The previous studies of selected opencast mines clearly indicate that the direction of spontaneous colonization of opencast excavations and sludge sedimentation tanks by vegetation is determined by th

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Znajdź trzmiela - społeczny monitoring w służbie ochrony bioróżnorodności kopalni wapienia Górażdże.

W jaki sposób zaangażować lokalną społeczność w obserwacje przyrody? Jak zdobyć dane o gatunkach trzmieli występujących wokół kopalni?

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Poznając przyrodę odkryjesz fascynujący świat.

Celem projektu jest przygotowanie przewodnika zawierającego zestaw zadań, gier terenowych i zagadek dostosowanych dla dzieci i młodzieży na różnych poziomach edukacyjnych.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Biological reclamation of Nowogród Bobrzański mining site as the way of increasing biodiversity

An object chosen for project development is "Nowogród Bobrzański" mining site.

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Quarry Life Award 2018