Quarry Life Award 2018

Integrated management of biodiversity in Slatioara gravel pit

The project „Integrated management of biodiversity in Slatioara gravel pit” is based on 3 incorporated approaches: i) inventory, mapping and detailed evaluation of habitats and species of wild flora and fauna, ii) identification of proper solutions for the ecological restoration and rehabilitation of the site and iii) promoting suitable ethics for a proper/sustainable management of the exploitation of natural resources that would lead to a strong sustainable development at a local and regional level.

In this context, the project entailed the study of biodiversity and the pressure/threats existing/developing on these biodiversity groups, as well as the study of degrated habitats with high ecological potential for the biodiversity elements within Slatioara gravel pit.

The results of this project represent strong scientific reasons to create a future project that would promote the local and regional natural values through protection and conservation measures of the biodiversity, based on the concept of sustainable development.

Implementing the solutions proposed within the project will allow the creation of a management mechanism, with a sustainable use, for the protection and conservation of the biological diversity within and in the vecinity of the Slatioara gravel pit. This mechanism will provide the tools to stop the loss of wild flora and fauna populations and the degrading of their important habitats, as well as will conserve them for future generations.