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Get inspired by succesfull projects improving biodiversity in mining quarries.

North America
Quarry Life Award 2018
Cadomin (Alberta)

Ruling the Roost

Bats are enigmatic species with a voracious appetite for insect pests, saving billions of dollars per year by enhancing agriculture and forest productivity.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Etude de la biodiversité floristique et faunistique des environs de la carrière de Safié

Durant les 4 visites saisonnieres prévues dans le cadre du projet,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Biodiversity quarry: 501 species for Colle Pedrino!

The project is designed to describe the biodiversity observed within the quarry of Colle Pedrino (Palazzago and Caprino Bergamasco BG),

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

From time to time, from quarry to nature

In calcareous quarries, quarrying can occur in different spatio-temporal phases during a long time span (>10-15 years). The restoration performed during subsequent times of the quarry exploitation,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Sports, walks, photos and technology to discover the biodiversity of Monte Giglio

The idea is developed on the bike path, about 1.4 km, built around the southern, sub-west boundary of the Monte Giglio quarry. The track, made by Italcementi with i-Drain material,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Rehabilitation of karst quarries to increase biodiversity and biopermeability of the area

Project objectives related to the San Giuseppe quarry (Trieste, Italy): -preservation of the rock area of the lower quarry, spontaneously recolonized by plant and animal species,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

“BeeVillage: Recognize and valorize the biodiversity through the presence of the bees

Our goal is to guide the local and surrounding communities toward the rediscovery of the quarry as a unique natural environment.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Let’s make the Lily flourish

The project aims at increasing the biodiversity inside the ‘Monte Giglio’ quarry, thanks to a joint work between the school and the local community.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018
Oterkpalu - Kpong Rd, Eastern District

Socio-economic impact assessment of Talbotiella gentii spp. in five communities around Yongwa site

INTRODUCTION According to IUCN (2008), Talbotiella gentii is a critically endangered (A1c, B1+2c, ver 2.3) gregarious living perennial legume based on investigations by Hawthorne (1998).

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Quarry Life Award 2018