Quarry Life Award 2016

The active protection of the bees together with 3D-nature visualization of Górażdże Limestone Quarry

Zarządzanie bioróżnorodnością
Programy współpracy
Edukacja i podnoszenie świadomości
Badania nad gatunkami
Zarządzanie krajobrazem
Rekultywacja i badania siedlisk
Badania naukowe

During second edition of QLA contest our surveys confirmed the potential of Górażdże Limeston Quarry as an area of wild bees habitation and the opportunities for active protection of these insects. Basing on our faunistical and floristic elaborations of selected habitats in the Quarry we suggest in the early stage of QLA edition to develop the strategy of active protection actions. It involves the introduction of additive and native food plant species and nesting places in form of nest boxes and especially made up shelters. The explorating site of the project involves surveys about apifauna biodiversity and predatory aculeates, including wasps and digger-wasps. We are also planning geodetic surveys conducted by the members of GEO IT Specialists Student Organization. These surveys will include, inter alia, 3D scanning and taking the photos of researched areas using drone. The conducted surveys will become a base for interactive geoportal. Every visitor of the geoportal will have opportunity to become familiar with researches and scientific discoveries on reclaimed sites of the Quarry.