Participating projects in

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Perth - Western Australia

Blending Banksia woodland and constructed wetlands in a rehabilitated quarry site.

The Swan Coastal plain stretches for over 600km along the west coast of Western Australia. It's Mediterranean climate has proved attractive to the majority of residents of the state,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

The Richness and Diversity of Soil Arthropods For Succesful Reclaimation in Gaskell Sand Quarry

The aim of this research proposal is to determine the diversity, abundance and fitness of the soil Arthropods (including Arachnida, Collembola, and Insecta) population in a diverse sampling point.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018
Perth - Western Australia

Evaluating seed enhancement technologies for use in biodiverse Banksia woodland restoration

The Southwest of Western Australia is a global biodiversity hotspot that has been extensively cleared since European settlement resulting in the widespread fragmentation of native vegetation.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Not just rich in stone, but rich in species: children are researching quarry living space

Destroying prejudice against raw material extraction, while learning lots of exciting things about biology, geology and even history! That is the goal of our 'Quarry Project'.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018
Dittmanndorfer Str. 110 Sachsen, 09322 Penig


A very peculiar flora and fauna developed in mining sites.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Quarries as stepping stones and corridors for bees and wasps

Our aim is to provide an inventory of the bees and wasps as well as their feeding and breeding habitats in the quarry of Wiepenkathen. In order to register all species,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Successful protection of Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)

The common tern is a type of bird which originally bred on gravel islands in large flowing rivers.

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018

Bee Protection is Home Protection

Our society has changed more and more over the past century. A lot of people may not always realise the harm that they are doing to the planet and their way of life,

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Quarry Life Award 2018
Quarry Life Award 2018
Blasbacher Str. 72 Hessen, 35586 Wetzlar

Active amphibian population management during the current filling operation

The main objective of the project is the long-term conservation of the current high level occurance of the strictly protected amphibian species midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans) and natterjack toad (

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Quarry Life Award 2018