с. Любимівка, Дніпропетровська область
Quarry Life Award 2018

Відновлення біорізноманіття порушених територій шляхом створення штучних мікроекосистем

Biodiversity management
Rehabilitation & habitat research
Species research
Soil management

Основною ідеєю проекту є створення штучних мікроекосистем (з використанням ґрунтів, підстилки, деяких видів рослин та комах), які стануть осередками поширення організмів на порушеній промисловістю території Рибальського кар’єру.

The mining industry, according to the intensity of environmental impact, is one of the leading places in our country. First of all the use of the geological environment leads to the destruction of soil cover and a significant reduction in the diversity of living organisms, and as a consequence, the decline of the sustainability of natural ecosystems. That is why our project is aimed at solving this issue and restoring the biodiversity of the affected areas. A striking example of the areas that are affected by the mining industry in the Dnipropetrovsk region are the Rybalsky Quarry. During the implementation of the project on the three selected terraces will be designated experimental sites. It is planned to lay soil, which in future will become a substrate for planting and the subsistence of invertebrates. This will ensure biodiversity enhancement within the studied quarry. At the initial stage of the functioning of artificial micro-ecosystems (refugiums), in order to ensure their continued stability, it is necessary to continuously monitoring the components for corrective intervention. All this will help push the processes of natural regeneration of ecosystems within a quarry, which will be accompanied by an increase in the diversity of organisms.