Lage Kanaaldijk 115, 6212 NA Maastricht
Quarry Life Award 2014

Top 10 key issues for success

The extraction of marl in the ENCI quarry has always been at odds with its natural environment. As the quarry itself, but also the original site and its direct environment, provide specific habitat features for all kinds of exceptional flora and fauna species, it is of great importance for nature.
A conflict arose where industry met nature and where alignment of goals needed to be implemented. This led to a process with different stakeholders where coordination between nature and marl extraction was often time consuming and also complicated to achieve. Looking back, there is much to learn for the enhancement of biodiversity, streamlining of stakeholders' views and creation of social acceptance in other quarries.

The objective is to learn from the history of the ENCI quarry and its relation with nature. We will create an inspiration document that can be used in new and exploited quarries. A top 10 Key Drivers for success for success will enhance biodiversity and quarry extraction at the same time. Applying the key drivers will improve stakeholder relations, enrich the wildlife within and around the quarry and will provide the company a strong license to operate.