United Kingdom
Farnham, Surrey
Quarry Life Award 2018

The Tice's Meadow Biodiversity Trail

Biodiversity management
Beyond quarry borders
Collaboration programmes
Connecting with local communities
Education and raising awareness
Urban ecology

We aim to create a 1.5 mile long self-guided circular walk around Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve that takes in a variety of habitats and showcases the good work being done on site to enhance and promote biodiversity.

The main site entrance will be flanked by wildflower planters, incorporating a "Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve" sign. A combined site map, interpretation panel and community noticeboard will be placed at the start of the walk.

Interpretation panels will placed at key sites to enhance the visitor experience, and increase visitor engagement with the wildlife to be found on site. Waymarkers will be placed along the walk to guide visitors around the site.

The needs of visitors with disabilities and restricted mobility will be catered for by the walk starting at a site entrance with a RADAR gate, benches being placed at suitable intervals, and the slope up the main viewing mound being reprofiled.

A Woodland Bird Feeding Station will be constructed to enable visitors to have close views of the birds, without the need for expensive optics.

A Swift Tower, with nesting sites for 11 pairs of Swifts, will be constructed to help this threatened species of bird regain a foothold in the Blackwater Valley.

A new viewing mound will be created overlooking the Plant Yard.

Printed maps and activity sheets (aimed at children) will be made available to download for free from our website, and sent to local schools and youth organisations.