Slite, Gotland
Quarry Life Award 2014

The Potential Need for a Changed Water Regime

Water management

(This project was never carried out)

Bogeviken is a bay in Slite, on gotland which have limited connection to the ocean and few rivers and streams supplying freshwater. The bay is of national interest for nature conservation and recreation and is located adjacent to several Natura2000 areas. It is protected under the Shoreline Protection Act and a Marine Protected Area is planned for the archipelago to which Bogeviken drains.

Two of the main supplying rivers, Spillingsan and Aneran are connected to Heidelbergs limestone quarries and the site is heavily affected by the mining activities in Western quarry and File hajdar. Modifications of the two streams made by Cementa AB, has caused a reduction in both water flow and intraannual water level fluctuations. The present water regime has put Bogeviken at an ecological unbalance with a slow turnover rate and high nutrient concentrations, which have resulted in sedimentation and reduced bottoms. The bay is currently under serious stress and a large expansion of reed beds have created large monospecific stands along the shores. Data provided by Swedish Meterological and Hydrological Institute indicates that the bay can be suffering from an internal phosphorus loading and the bay does not achieve satisfying ecological status according to VISS (Water Information System Sweden).

By studying how present water regime has impacted on vegetation zonations our project aims to suggest a regime that could benefit habitat diversity in the vegetation cover. An improved water regime could increase the water quality and a proper vegetation zonation would directly benefit the habitat and species diversity.

It is essential to restore Bogevikens function as a diverse fish and bird habitat as it once was an important spawning ground for Northern pike (Esox Lucius), European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) and Sea trout (Salmo trutta) among others, as well as an nesting, wintering and resting site for local and migratory birds with several recordings of redlisted species.