с. Жовте, Дніпропетровська область
Quarry Life Award 2018

Створення чагарникових угруповань як нового місця існування для біоти кар’єру

Education and raising awareness

The Zhovtokamyansky quarry territory is subject to the impact of anthropogenic loaded conditions, caused bymining operations, which leads to the transformation of all components of the environment and the decrease of biodiversity. It is apriority to create shrub groups, which tend to grow on the slopes of gullies and ravines in natural conditions, for the conservation of the current biodiversity and its uprise. Shrub groups creates now retention, form areas of increased soil moisture, and improve conditions for herbaceous groups’ growth and development. Shrub fruits also provide food for animals. So fruits of Ukrainian crataegus (Crataegus ucrainica Pojark.), European elder (Sambucus nigra L.), Sea buckthorn (Hippophe rhamnoides L.), and Brier (Rosa canina L.) is food for Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris L.), Blackbird (Turdus merula L.), Redbreast (Erithacus rubecula L.), Waxwing (Bombycilla arrulous L.), Common starling (Stumus vulgaris L.), Common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L.), Common magpie (Pica pica L.), Hooded crow (Corvus cornix L.), Common raven (Corvus corax L.), European wood mouse (Sylvaemus sylvaticus L.) etc. Generated shrub groups from new plant species will become habitats for new animal species and will increase the biodiversity of the Zhovtokamyansky quarry. Therefore, those animals will become agents for the distribution of shrubs, herbal fruits, and seeds into adjacent areas.