Quarry Life Award 2016

Studying the role of mikosimbiotrofizma in the formation of plant communities quarry Baltabay

Biodiversity management
Education and raising awareness
Rehabilitation & habitat research
Scientific research
Soil management
Urban ecology

A very promising development of biotechnology restoration of degraded ecosystems with arbuscular mycorrhiza.

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (endomikorrhiza) - a mutually beneficial co-existence of the roots of higher plants with microscopic fungi Division Glomeromycota. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are widespread in nature at the meeting of more than 80% of vascular plants, from arctic wastelands to deserts, tropical and equatorial forests, from high mountains to the plains. Deep penetrating into the ground, penetrating it in different directions by a dense network of branches subtle, being the link between soil and root system of plants, soil hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi continuously supply the roots and aerial parts of the plant with water and nutrients.

Mycorrhizal plants are more resistant to various adverse factors of the environment: a lack of nutrients and water, poisoning by heavy metals and other toxic substances of human origin, soil salinization, etc. The high role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and as a component for events remediation and recovery.. land as endomikoriza enhances both stability and viability mycotroph and biogeocoenose stability as a whole. Arbuscular mycorrhiza has been actively involved in the cycle of minerals: promotes biological weathering, development of soil-forming processes.