Quarry Life Award 2016

Restoration of Biodiversity using Voandzeia subterranea(Bambara beans)

Biodiversity management
Education and raising awareness
Rehabilitation & habitat research
Scientific research
Soil management

Mine reclamation is the most important post mining activity which is done to restore biodiversity on the degraded land. This project is really expensive hence many mining companies forfeit it after the life of the mine. Prominent methods used in restoring biodiversity include; the use of inorganic fertilizer, composting and animal manure. Using inorganic fertilizer is not only expensive but also dangerous to soil flora and fauna. Composting and animal manure are good for this project but the labour involve is too high. The fact that Voandzeia subterranea(Bambara Bean) has a short life cycle, is resistant to pest, diseases as well as harsh weather condition, is able to fix nitrogen into the soil and easily cultivated and mulched makes it more efficient in restoring biodiversity considering time, cost and labour.

A highly degraded site in the quarry is chosen and divided into two(2) PLOTS. PLOT A for the main work and PLOT B as an experimental control. Voandzeia subterranea(Bambara Beans) is cultivated on PLOT A and left till it matures while PLOT B is left to fallow. it is then cut down and mulched. Native crops are planted on each of the PLOTS and the growth rate of these crops on the two PLOTS monitored.