North Lakes Road, Warrayure
Quarry Life Award 2012

Restoration of an Endangered Grassland = Increased Habitat for the Endangered Bandicoot

Biodiversity management
Calocephalus lacteus

This project will reinstate a nationally threatened ecosystem of Natural Temperate Grassland know habitat for the Eastern Barred Bandicoot and Altona Skipper Butterfly within an area which is currently degraded vegetation.

The Eastern Barred Bandicoot is listed as endangered federally. Bandicoots were once widespread across grasslands of western Victoria and are now at the brink of extinction primarily due to habitat loss and predation by introduced foxes and cats. The only wild population being near Hamilton and four re-introduced sites.

Our project aims to increase the habitat for the Bandicoot through harvesting and direct seeding of local provenance indigenous seeds including species from the genera Eryngium, Gahnia, Calocephalus, and Rumex. The availability of shelter is an important determinant of local distribution for the bandicoot. They are highly flexible in terms of nesting sites, as long as the ground is densely covered and feeding sites are nearby. The nest itself is made of grass and usually found in bushes where there is plenty of shelter.