Quarry Life Award 2014

Rejuvenation of Çanakkale Bozalan Clay Quarry

The general approach about mining areas is related to the destruction of natural systems of the mining site area and the surrounding terrain. This project arised from the main goal to re-establish the natural, social and cultural relations between the post-mining area and its surroundings while restoring the biodiversity, repairing the connection between patterns and breaking the negative perception about mining sites. In accordance with these principles, this project is designed with the following objectives: To regenerate and maintain the forestry site to enrich fauna and flora. To assure the lake ecosystem and aquatic habitat near the pond area occurred during the mining operations, especially considering that this area is close to the bird migration routes. To provide the suitable soil structure for fertile agroforestry terraces with the assistance of pioneer plants promoting public access. To profit of the advantages of the topography occurred by mining operations and to bring the consciousness to people by displaying that mining sites are not only destructive, also they are reconstructive.
According to these objectives, project has three phases. First phase includes the soil rehabilitation with bacteria such as Rhizobium that is in symbiotic relationship with leguminous plants and silviculture method at the elevated areas of the mining site to obtain forestry site. Second phase is about evaluating and supporting the lake ecosystem. With this aim, after the analysis, the application of submergent and emergent planting techniques will be chosen to provide the life in the water and to provide a frequented areas attracting birds. The third phase of the project is for creating the link between local people and mine site areas. Terraced topography has an opportunity to be designed as agricultural sites open local people access considering agricultural policies.