Quarry Life Award 2016

Phytoremediation of the Bozalan Quarry

Biodiversity management
Rehabilitation & habitat research
Scientific research
Soil management

Our goal is to remedy the quarry progressively and create a naturalized landscape with ecological diversity. After completion of the project the remediation area will be used for recreational purposes with increased community access where a variety of habitats for plants and wildlife can be observed. Initially, remediation will commence on the western banks of the quarry by reducing the slope of the banks and transferring a layer of top soil for successful establishment of drought-tolerant and remedial plant species such as Agropyron cristatum, Malva sylvestris, Medicago sativa, Rumex acetosa and Vicia sativa. The main reasons for choosing these plants are helping to clear the heavy metals in soil. So they will remedy the soil rehabilitation. Some of these plant species had been reported in the area before the mining activity started. The plantation of a variety of species will be progressive and populations of new plant species will also be considered as earthwork is completed on other parts of the quarry. The establishment of plant communities will help minimize problems due to erosion and enable further successful planting of perennial trees.