Bicaz Chei, Neamț county
Quarry Life Award 2014

Partnership with National Park Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas to raise public awareness towards the benefits of a responsible attitude in Bicaz Chei quarry

Education and raising awareness

Nothing is more eloquent and more mustering than the power of example. In this regard the project aims, due to the proximity of Bicaz Chei quarry to the National Park Bicaz Gorges-Hasmas, a partnership with park representatives and it consists in two steps.

The first step of the project is to establish a meeting with the national park's representatives and the Bicaz Chei quarry's representatives. The second step consists in placing informative boards which aim to change negative attitudes regarding the expected result from exploitation of nature in a positive and responsible attitude in relation to the environment.

The expected impact is enhanced by the immediate vicinity of the National Park and the promotion of the project including on the official website of the Park. The subsequent steps of this project aim to further cooperation with the National Park, after the rehabilitation of the quarry, by designing tourist trails and placing additional informative boards regarding the variety and importance of the various species in the renovated area.

The project provides benefits for both the society and the company, as well as for the biodiversity, through the awareness of its value and variety, by encouraging responsible and sensitive attitudes and towards nature.

The power of example can change society and modify its conception that exploitation irreparably destroys nature to the concept "it can go otherwise." Because of this, Carpetcement Holding may be an example to follow. Moreover, a partnership between National Park Cheile Bicazului-Hășmas and Carpatcement Holding will create a precedent for future partnerships that have the main purpose to cooperate in favor of nature and biodiversity.