Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Quarry Life Award 2014

Odonata Diversity Relationship with Plant Vegetation Diversity in Palimanan Quarry, Cirebon, West Java

Scientific research

Indonesia is the one of the country with high biodiversity that is known as Megabiodiversity. Biodiversity is important for a country as an inheritance for the country. One of the high level of biodiversity is insect. Insects have variety of important roles in the environment that is as bio-indicators of environmental. Insect which have a role as bio-indicator of the environment one of it is the Odonata order (dragonflies group). Odonata order had two groups which is Zygoptera (damselflies) and Anisoptera (dragonflies).

Odonata habitat is water like swamp, pond, or fresh water. Indocement factory at Palimanan Quarry, Cirebon, West Java has several suitable locations for Odonata habitat, that is necessary to gather information about diversity of Odonata in there. Several points that needed for Odonata sampling is field, artificial lake area and bush area. That three points have plants and a bit of water that needed for Odonata to lay their eggs. Odonata said as bio-indicator of environment due to the observed abundance of Odonata at a location can be seen that the environment and waters is the beautiful environment or contaminated environment. However, plants or water locations need to be added in order to increase the diversity of Odonata.


The method used for this diversity project:

a. Sweeping and Trapping Method

This method of sampling is performed to take the Odonata sample which is in the area. Using insect net to catch Odonata to catch Odonata by swing it to the individual in a way that will be captured. This method facilitates the capture of Odonata while flying and landed on the plant. Traping method used to catch other insects that have a relationship with the ecosystem of Odonata. Malaise trap is a trap that used, because it is a standard trap used to catch insects in the field as the order Diptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, and others.

b. Specimen Storage Method

There is two ways to kill Odonata after it been caught. The first way is the Odonata soaked in aceton about 10 hours and aerated about 1-2 hours until the body of Odonata is dry. The objective is to prevent decay by microorganisms, and the other way is injected the aceton at the thorax of the Odonata. The second way is soaked Odonata in bottle or vial that contained 80% alcohol solution. Specimen storage performed in the dry state, stored in papilot paper (triangle shaped paper) for temporary storage in field and included a point location, the date and time of capture. Papilot stored in a plastic box and use camphor and silica gel to prevent humid conditions.

c. Preserving Specimen Method

Preserving the Odonata is not the same as in other insect orders. In Odonata simply inserted into the papilot paper or transparent envelope and does not ned to be dried in the oven. However, it must be ensured that the specimens obtained in the dry state.

d. Sampling Plant

Sampling of plants is done by using a camera to take pictures of the stem and fruit, and use scissors to take samples of leaves on each plant species.

e. Specimen Identification

The identification of specimens is important in the study of diversity using identification key using the books that recomemended. Odonata identification to genus stage, for other insect to the family stage, and for plant to family stage.

f. Analysis method

The data was analyzed using shanon-wiener index and similarity index. The method used to determine the Odonata species diversity and similarity index is used to determine the similarity types.

Added Values

1. Can be information or data inventory for the company to Odonata diversity in Palimanan Quarry, Cirebon, West Java

2. Can maintain the balance of the ecosystem food chain in these locations. The presence of Odonata may bring their predators so there will be interaction (symbiosis) as the

food chain. Food chain may occur in these locations are Mosquito larvae-Odonata-Bird-Human.

3. Add aesthetic value due to planting of vegetation or making a living space (habitat) for the new Odonata. The location is so much more beautiful to look at

4. Can bring another insect that potentially stabilizing environment.

5. Control of diseases such as dengue fever. Because Odonata can eat mosquito larvae as a potential vectors of disease. The disease can be decreased due to the presence of natural

enemies or predators of mosquito larvae.

6. Can determine abiotic conditions in the Palimanan Quarry, Cirebon West Java, especially water.

This can be an added value for the company as well as the surrounding