Quarry Life Award 2018

monitoring mechanism of fauna on Fongba career site in Lokossa

Biodiversity management
Connecting with local communities
Education and raising awareness
Species research
Student class project

The project aims a raising awareness on the rich biodiversity of the area targeting (1) local communities (through schools) around the quarry and (2) the CIM Benin employees. It foresees in an inventory of the wildlife of the quarry and its environs. The inventory will consist of a quick scan of the main wildlife species and will focus on birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. This is a first step in creating a biodiversity baseline for the quarry and the wider landscape it is situated in. Such a baseline is a prerequisite for monitoring the impact of mining activities and to strengthen CIM Benin’s mitigation and restoration activities. The biodiversity assessment will be translated in an educational poster and an environmental lesson/masterclass package. Together with a selection of schools around the quarry the project will organize environmental classes. A special event will be organizec with CIM Benin employees.

The project wants to set up a monitoring mechanism for birds in and around the Fongba quarry. It aims to periodically monitor the different bird species of the site and an adjacent area nearby to compare species numbers and diversity. By creating a baseline we will be able to get a better insight on what the impact of the quarry is on birds and from there advise on action that can be taken to reduce negative impacts and stimulate positive interventions.