Slatioara, Olt county
Quarry Life Award 2014

Migratory waterbirds life improvement in Slatioara pit. Case study: Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra)

Education and raising awareness

The project aims to provide an optimization of the management of Fulica atra species in Slatioara pit, Olt County. Given the disturbance of natural feeding and nesting habitats in pit areas, studies regarding habitat assessment and proposing solutions for species' conservation status improvement are necessary. Besides finding practical measures for species conservation improvement, based on field research and spatial analysys, the project aims to correlate the company's vision to one of the most popular local species, Fulica atra. In this manner, the project attempts to increase the oportunities of engaging the interested entities, given the popularity of the protected local species, Fulica atra, which is also an element of local identity.

The main objective is to provide measures for increasing the protection of Fulica atra within the operating and processing plant areas of Slatioara pit.

The specific objectives are: identification and assessment of Fulica atra habitats within the study area, analizing viable measures for improving Fulica atra's life during aggretates extraction activity.