Viale della Rimembranza, 25014 Castenedolo
Quarry Life Award 2021

Like a stepping stone

Biodiversity management
Endangered and protected species
Scientific research

The research project aims to the ecological characterization of the area of the former Italcementi Santa Giustina quarry in Castenedolo (BS).

The study aims to collect useful information for the correct management direction for conservation purposes of the environmental restoration works, in the short and medium term.

A botanical survey will be carried out for the characterization of the flora component, three groups of Insects, known as good bioindicators of habitats, will be monitored: lepidoptera “butterflies”, ground beetles and orthoptera. The composition and abundance of breeding birds

-group at the top of the food chain- will be surveyed as a top-level ecological indicator.

The data collected will be analysed for the detection of the differences between observed communities and expected/potential communities, also through bibliographic comparison with other similar surveys conducted nearby.

The outcomes will allow the formulation of management proposals for the Santa Giustina site, which promote its strategic function as a source area of biodiversity and stepping stone within the ecological network of the medium Lombard plain.