Quarry Life Award 2018

Exploring the bee shelters: The contribution of the quarry of Fongba (Republic of Benin)

Biodiversity management
Beyond quarry borders
Connecting with local communities
Education and raising awareness
Rehabilitation & habitat research
Species research
Student class project

Submitted to numerous extinction factors, many species have succeeded in securing their survival in quarries which are ecologically isolated areas from classic human activities. Unfortunately, these ecological functions of quarries are under estimated worldwide. Deeper studies are then still needed on species that establish shelters in quarries, their interactions, survival strategies and position in the energy flow. Due to the pollination services they perform, the bees play the most important ecological functions and improve livelihood (Bradbear, 2004; Klein et al, 2006). In this respect and as recognition of the core functions of the bees, the 20th may of every year is devoted to them as the international bee day, the first edition of which was celebrated this year.
In the Republic where the bee mainstreaming is very poor, securing the rare habitat of the bees is an emergency for poverty alleviation and for improved pollination services.
This research project analyzed the contribution of the quarry of Fongba to biodiversity conservation and to the sustainable development goals by:
- Evaluating the available food to the bees at the quarry;
- Determining the bee species and associated insects established at and around the quarry;
- Securing their survival by a functional live bee bank for improved pollination services, additional income to the surrounding populations and for future investigations on the bee populations.