с. Любимівка, Дніпропетровська область
Quarry Life Award 2016

Educational tourism for youth

Education and raising awareness
Invasive species

Since ancient times, mankind has sought to journey to get new knowledge and experience. Now we know about Herodotus, Aristotle, Strabo, whose thirst for knowledge led through distant lands.

The history of tourism in our country is about 150 years. However, only in 1980 for the first time appears the term «scientific tourism». Today, anyone can quench their thirst during the tourist expeditions, where you can be a scientist to know many interesting things.

Unfortunately, in Ukraine quarries are not widely used in the recreational branch. Basing on the already completed projects of Quarry Life Award we marked the rich nature and plenty of places that can be explored in educational tourism in the areas of the used quarries of Heidelberg Cement.

The implementation of our proposal can confirm the use of the used quarries or some their parts as objects for the educational tourism.

We offer:

• to make a tourist camp in the used part of the Rybal’skyi quarry;

• to conduct the teaching and research work in student’s field practices;

• to carry out educational and creative activities for school children and students;

• to submit a report about the expedition and camp results;

• to provide recommendations for use of the quarries in tourism activities;

• to extend about the suitability of using quarries in tourism.