Quarry Life Award 2016

Determining the Best Soil Enrichment Method for Reclamation at Yongwa Quarry using ANOVA Technique

Biodiversity management
Education and raising awareness
Rehabilitation & habitat research
Scientific research
Soil management

This research is to promote biodiversity at Yongwa Quarry by decomposing waste using the the Heap, Pit and Windrow decomposition method. The best method will be selected based on growth rate of seedlings, organism count and cost using the concept of ANOVA Technique, and Implement the concept by enriching the soil at the quarry site and training of stakeholders. It will involve the decomposition of waste using the three known techniques, the planting of seedlings in the compost obtained, the measurement and recording of the growth rate of the seedlings, the counting of soil living organisms in the compost and the estimation of the cost involved. Measured and recorded parameters will be analysed and the best decomposition method selected. Implement the research by reclaiming a site at the Quarry; teach the concept in schools and communities.

This research is expected to determine the best and most cost effective soil enrichment method suitable for the Yongwa Quarry Site, provide the best and right source of compost nutrients for the fauna and flora, improve soil quality, enhance insects’ growth and encourage growth of beneficial organisms at the Quarry Site, train the people of the society and applied the concept to enrich farmlands and improve crop growth and yields and reduce the issue of waste management.