Quarry Life Award 2016

Determining High Adaptability Tree Species in Former Quarry Hambalang

Biodiversity management
Rehabilitation & habitat research

Determining tree species is the first step to achive the effectiveness and efficiency in replanting of former quarry area.

Besides, understanding of the function of each tree species is an important aspect in relation with the role of the species for environment (flora, fauna, humans). Therefore, it is very supportive information for redesigning the reclamation of the area.

The objective of proposed activities are to determine the tree species which have adaptibility with the former quarry area in Hambalang, and also to describe the function of the trees (both inside and suround of the area) which are possible to be planted in the area.

The method will be applied to this project is to identify the tree species which grow in selected research sites (existing trees), and literatural study to obtain information about the ecological function of each tree species.

The expected output from this research is recomendation in choosing tree species which have high level adaptation for the studied area. This research will also to assess the possibility in using other tree species (those are not find inside the former quarry area) from surounding area to be planted in the research area.