с. Любимівка, Дніпропетровська область
Quarry Life Award 2018

Ботанічні екскурсії до Рибальського кар’єру та найближчих геосайтів для сільської молоді

Education and raising awareness

There are more than ten quarries In the rapid part of the Dnieper, the largest of which is Rybalsky. The diversity of quarries (position, different mode of use and duration of existence) has contributed to the fact that they have become a unique natural laboratory for the study of biodiversity, and in particular flora, which spontaneously settled in quarries. Plants demonstrate various adaptation opportunities in the new conditions, which, however, are in the quarries similar to natural settlements at the outlets of granite of Dnieper Rapids region.

That is why quarries are convenient for organizing exciting studies that can motivate children to further engage in learning nature and making managerial decisions for sustainable development. In the course of the project, children and teachers will have a good opportunity to compare the species composition of the Rybalsky quarry flora with rocky outlets located near their villages, and the possibility of contact with the biodiversity expert will facilitate a quick study of species identification in nature.

The main goal of the project is to attract young people who live in villages near the Rybalsky quarry to the process of preserving the natural flora not only in the wild, but also in granite quarries, promoting communication between children of the villages of the Rapid Dnieper region, popularizing the idea that quarries are important, and for some species of organisms - unique habitats of existence.