Quarry Life Award 2018

Boosting biodiversity rehabilitation by his appropriation by local populations in Sika-Condji quarry

Biodiversity management
Beyond quarry borders
Collaboration programmes
Connecting with local communities
Education and raising awareness
Invasive species
Rehabilitation & habitat research
Species research
Student class project

The installation of industrial sites to satisfy economic needs, often undermines biodiversity by modifying the landscape. The installation of Sika-Condji quarry by the cleaning of the vegetation has strongly modified the landscape of the locality by the destruction of a part of the pre-existing natural habitat.
Aware of the risk of degradation of biodiversity, a rehabilitation of the mining site by Scantogo is carried out by planting tree species. However, ''a posteriori'' participatory management of rehabilitated biodiversity can not be done at the end of exploitation; if, from the outset, the preoccupation of local population, users of the resources are not taken into account in rehabilitation programs. Thus, The objective of this study is to integrate the needs of local populations into the Sika-Condji quarry rehabilitation programs. It aims to: - characterize the floristic and faunistic variations of the plant formations of the quarry - analyze people's perceptions on these variations - to identify the priorities of local populations in reforestation in order to training them on regeneration of woody species. The purpose of this study is to give local populations the opportunity to appropriate the rehabilitation of their ecosystem in order to facilitate participatory management.

Key-words: Participatory management; Sustainable management; Rehabilitation; Ecosystem; Quarry; SiKa-Condji.