Dar es Salaam
Quarry Life Award 2018

Biodiversity Outdoor Class at Wazo Hills Secondary School

Biodiversity management
Beyond quarry borders
Collaboration programmes
Connecting with local communities
Education and raising awareness
Rehabilitation & habitat research
Species research
Soil management
Student class project
Urban ecology
Water management

TPCC`s efforts to promote Quarry rehabilitation efforts to teachers and the young generation through visitation and integration of rehabilitation activities to Quarry visiting groups provides not only learning interests to students to develop future careers in Biodiversity conservation and conservation biology, but also fosters connection between humans and the environments.

Today, survival of humans depends directly on the environments and extractive areas are never necessarily wastelands. Biodiversity by means of genes, species and ecosystems and the whole ecological life support systems can be recovered, maintained and sustained for many years to provide assurance to the future generation. This project intends to provide Biodiversity education lessons to 500 Wazo Secondary Schools Students to learn about the importance of Quarry Biodiversity.

The project is being designed to create different flora and fauna species, demonstrate how to secure safe and stable habitats for species, and protect endangered species.

The project uses plant species grown and those that have proved to do better within the Quarry extractive areas to be grown to the school plot since the school is located few metres from the Quarry site. 11 control plots will be established in this 70x70m area, endangered species , Ornamental plot, Spice plot, Medicinal plants, wetland, Natural regenerating plot, Butterfly garden Grassland, Birds and insect house, compost site and quarry site.