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Get inspired by succesfull projects improving biodiversity in mining quarries.

Quarry Life Award 2014
Kakanj, Zenica – Doboj Canton

Labaratory in nature / Laboratorija u prirodi

- First phase:Project combines all the information about the animal and plant world at the quarry Ribnica. -The second phase:construction of access tracks on each floor,

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Quarry Life Award 2014
Quarry Life Award 2012
Kakanj, Zenica – Doboj Canton

Inventory of nesting birds of Quarry Ribnica

Birds are representing an important indicator of state environment. In Bosnia and Herzegovina birds are investigated systematically around 150 years. Up to this time,

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2014
Kakanj, Zenica – Doboj Canton

Exploring the possibilities for introduction of native plant species in the quarry Ribnica / Istraživanje mogućnosti za introdukciju autohtonih biljnih vrsta u kamenolom Ribnica

Everyday activities in the quarries can cause destruction of habitats and species that inhabit them. However,

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Quarry Life Award 2014
Small nest box - set!
Quarry Life Award 2014
Kakanj, Zenica – Doboj Canton

Bird protection at the Ribnica quarry / Zaštita ptica na kamenolomu Ribnica

During the six-month research in the area of the Ribnica quarry, performed in 2012 by the members of the Ornithological Society "Naše ptice", 76 bird species were registered.

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Quarry Life Award 2014
Quarry Life Award 2012
Kakanj, Zenica – Doboj Canton

Biodiversity and remediation of quarry Ribnica

The project Natura 2000 is based on positive collaboration with relevant authorities, as the main responsible for the protection of biodiversity.

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Quarry Life Award 2012
Quarry Life Award 2012
Kakanj, Zenica – Doboj Canton

Ants as Indicator of Biodiversity-standard methods for measuring and monitoring biodiversity

Ants (family Formicidae) are organism group, owns predispositions for use in programme analyses of biodiversity for many reasons: out of the more than 750000 Insects species descripted,

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Quarry Life Award 2012